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布列松在中國:1948-1949 / 1958

展覽為亨利.卡蒂埃.布列松(Henri Cartier-Bresson)在其報導攝影生涯中 非常獨特且重要之集結,也是他中國相關作品的首度研究與專題展出。1948 至 1949 年布列松在中國停留十個月,期間在《生活》、《巴黎競賽》等雜誌發表 多幀中國所見所聞之影像。時值國共內戰時期,在這些影像中不見戰爭的煙硝, 反而突顯大時代下的人間煙火,這系列照片也成為報導攝影史上最好的作品之 一。1958 年他在中國官方人員的全程陪同下,看見大躍進、人民公社等的改革 興起,攝取看似繁榮的空中樓閣,此時的布列松已是公認的報導攝影巨擘。本展 由米榭勒.費佐(Michel Frizot)與蘇盈龍共同策畫,展出約 170 件原版照片, 以及相關之書信原件與雜誌。

The exhibition is a collection of very unique and important assembly of works in Henri Cartier-Bresson’s photojournalism career, and it is also the first research and thematic exhibition of his related works in China. From 1948 to 1949, Cartier-Bresson stayed in China for ten months, during which he published multiple photographs of what he saw in China in magazines such as Life and Paris Match. This was during the period of the Chinese Civil War, yet the battle were not seen in these images, instead, it highlighted the everyday life in the big era. This series of photos also became some of the best works in the history of Documentary Photography. In 1958, accompanied full-time by Chinese officials, the artist saw the rise of reforms such as the Great Leap Forward and the People's Commune, and he recorded these seemingly prosperous castles in the air. At this time, Cartier-Bresson was already a highly-renowned master of photojournalism. This exhibition is co-curated by Michel Frizot and Ying-Lung Su, around 170 original photos, and related original correspondence and magazines are presented.




週二~週五 09:30 - 17:30

週六 09:30 - 20:30

日 09:30 - 17:30



臺北市立美術館 -三樓 3A 展覽室