LiKuang — 每日一句學創意




"You don’t have time to be timid. You must be bold and daring."


-Beauty and the beast 美女與野獸


“Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.”


-Zootopia 動物方程市

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Discover & share this Confident GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

“I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.”


-The Incredibles 超人特攻隊

“Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.”


-Forrest Gump 阿甘正傳

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Discover & share this Random Movies GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

“Instead of running from the pain, like a sane person would do, you step into it.”


-Million Dollar Baby 登峰造極

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”


-Les Miserables 悲慘世界

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Discover & share this Ratatouille GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

"You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from.Your only limit is your soul."


-Ratatouille 料理鼠王


“Remember, with great power, comes great responsibility.”


- Spider Man 蜘蛛人

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Discover & share this Love GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

“LOVE, is not finding a perfect person, but by learning the perfect vision, appreciate that imperfect person.”


-ハウルの動く城 霍爾的移動城堡

"There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."


-Winnie the Pool 小熊維尼

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Discover & share this A24 GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

“Tears are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart.”


-A Litre of Tears 一公升的眼淚

“Courage is doing the right thing in the face of opposition. “


-The Help 姊妹

Discover & share this Viola Davis GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

Discover & share this Les Miserables Musical GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”


-Les Miserables 悲慘世界

“It’s not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you.”


-Batman Begins 蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻

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A collection of gifs from movies from Walt Disney Studios including A Wrinkle In Time, Christopher Robin, Mary Poppins Returns, Aladdin, The Lion King, and more!

“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.”


-Mulan 花木蘭

“Not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.”


-Beauty And The Beast 美女與野獸

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Discover & share this Disney GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

“The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up.”



“Some people are worth melting for.”



Discover & share this LEGO GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

Discover & share this Disney GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

“No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.”



“No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.”



Discover & share this Disney GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

Discover & share this Legally Blonde GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

“You must always have faith in people, and most importantly you must always have faith in yourself.”


-Blonde stunner 金髮尤物

“Real loser isn't someone who doesn't win. A rea; loser is someone so afraid of not wining, they don't even try.”


-Little Miss Sunshine小太陽

Discover & share this Little Miss Sunshine GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.


Reality doesn't change according to your will.


-Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story最貧窮的哈佛女孩

“The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.”


-Lion King 獅子王

Discover & share this Lion King GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

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